
High Blood Pressure Risks

National High Blood Pressure Education Month is observed in May, and it is an opportunity to understand how hypertension increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. Preventive measures can be taken by adopting healthy lifestyles and being compliant with taking prescribed medications and regularly monitoring your blood pressure. Read more

Sesame Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas are a wealth of wellness, including better immunity (from vitamin C), stronger bones (from vitamin K), gastrointestinal health (from fiber). The heart-healthy snack may even reduce fatigue (from pea peptides) and provide better vision (from lutein and zeaxanthin). Beyond the incredible health benefits, your taste buds will thank you. Read more

Healthy Grilled Salmon Salad

Packed with beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is shown to reduce inflammation and age-related brain loss and may boost memory. The nutrient-dense fish is also linked to lowering the risk of heart disease and maintaining bone health. It’s no wonder there’s never leftovers of this refreshing, fiber-rich salad. Read more

Meet B.J.

My friends have told me about their incredible experiences as Think Whole Person Healthcare patients, and I admit that I’m envious. I wish I were a think patient. Truly I do. Read more

Grilled Asparagus

Brighten up spring menus with this tender, delicious vegetable that’s so simple to grill. Fresh asparagus is a friend to your digestion and a boost to your heart health. Loaded with anti-inflammatory and antiviral flavonoids, asparagus also helps reduce your risk of chronic disease. Read more

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